What Does This Post Cover?
- How to use the Screen Flow Element in Salesforce Flows
Use Case?
- Allow the user to input information that we can use later in the flow
In this example:
We will be getting information from the opportunity object to use later in the flow so we can populate a default value on a screen for the user
Business Case: We need to allow users to update their favorite music genre AND we need to auto. populate their screen with their current selection - in case they don’t want to change it. Please do so on the opportunity.
Since we have a video on this showing you step by step, this blog post will be primarily used to view the values we used in the video as a reference to rebuild.
#1 Custom Button: Invoke Flow

#2 Flow: Get Records
a. Get Records: Find Opportunity Info

b. Screen: Screen Text

c. Update Records: Update Opportunity

#3 Video Walkthrough
Check out the FULL video walkthrough to get more context here in the youtube video below 🎬 🍿
